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How to set up a website on your TL-Hosting Webserver Panel

  1. Log in to your TL-Hosting Webserver Panel using the provided credentials.
  2. Navigate to the control panel or dashboard of your hosting account.
  3. Look for an option or section related to website management or website setup.
  4. Depending on your hosting provider, you may have different options for website setup. Some common options include:
    • Website Builder: If your hosting provider offers a website builder tool, you can use it to create your website using pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop functionality.
    • Content Management System (CMS): Install a CMS like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. These platforms provide a user-friendly interface for website creation and management.
    • File Manager: If you have a custom-built website or want to upload your own HTML, CSS, and other files, you can use the file manager to upload your website files to the server.
  5. Follow the instructions provided by your hosting provider or the specific tool you choose to set up your website.
  6. Customize your website by adding content, images, and other elements.
  7. Once you are satisfied with your website, make sure to save your changes and publish your website to make it live on the internet.

If you need further assistance, refer to the user manual or documentation provided by your web hosting provider.

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